
Internet Business Strategies

The Internet is rapidly becoming the primary marketing media for the world's commerce.
Many organisations have rushed into putting up pages on the World Wide Web only to find that somehow it doesn't seem to be working. They get few visitors to their site and are not achieving the sales they thought they would. 'We spent all that money and are getting no return.'

There are some very good reasons for this. The Networking Edge helps organisations to work through the business objectives, define the customers and the products to develop a Web Site which will meet a set of defined and measurable business objectives.

The tailored strategy will also show how other Internet technologies such as mailing lists and subscription servers can be used for direct marketing and product support initiatives.


System Selection & Implementation

The Networking Edge can provide your organisation with access to some seventy years experience in Information Technology and Telecommunications technologies. We can:

  • Carry out requirements assessments
  • Create RFIs and RFPs
  • Evaluate Responses
  • Negotiate with suppliers
  • Negotiate Contracts
  • Create Implementation Plans
  • Manage the Project
  • Computer Consulting

Our consultants cover a wide range of expertise and are able to assist you with all facets of the application of information technology in business:

  • Existing Site and System Audits
  • System Reviews
  • Needs Analysis
  • System Conceptualisation
  • Scoping Studies
  • Business Strategies
  • RFI and RFP Preparation Resource Planning
  • Contract Negotiation
  • System Implementation
  • Staff Selection
  • Staff Training

Services are also available in the area mediation and expert witness

We specialise in Site Audits and in the development of a range of policy documents


IT Policy Development

Effective use of information technology in business depends very much on the ability to monitor and control both the technology and the people. There are a number of policy documents which will help maintain this control.
Information Policy
Information Policies set down how an organisation will use information in its business. The policy covers such things as privacy of personal information, Intellectual Property, Information Classification and Information Categories.

Information Technology Strategy
The It strategy details how the organisation will use information technology to support the corporate goals. It outlines the specific technologies and systems and provides a direction for IT development within the business.

Security Policy
The corporate security policy is one of the most important documents you will develop. With the increase in the use of telecommunications, especially the Internet, the risk of computer systems penetration grows higher each day. Security is not just about technology, it is also about people and the Security Policy will provide you with the means of ensuring that you have used appropriate levels of security for your organisation and adequately identified the major risk areas.

Acceptable Use Policy
Acceptable use policies (AUPs) lay down the rules by which staff in an organisation will have access to the Internet. Internet technologies provide not only huge opportunities for organisations but also expose those same organisations to considerable risk when misused by staff or students in the case of educational institutions.

An acceptable use policy provides a set of rules and the basis of a legal agreement between an organisation and its staff, providing a measure of legal protection if things go wrong. The Networking Edge has experience in the creation and tailoring such policy documents to the client's direct needs.


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